Fostering creativity by building the ‘good city’

city, suggesting that we turn to the seemingly antiquated concept of the ‘good city’ to do so.
The ‘good city’ was based on a synergy of art, design, and urban development
It was best exemplified by 15th-century Italian city-states that utilised museums and grand architecture to project state power while protecting the cultural values of the community. Though unintentional, the sense of heritage embodied by these cities gave rise to creative tourist economies and, later, academic conceptions of
By | 24 March 2015 |

Music reduces stress during medical procedures

distracts them
The researchers conclude that music appears to help mitigate the stress response that naturally occurs in a highly medical, frightening situation. This is in agreement with previous research undertaken in other medical and surgical settings, including intensive care. The benefits were greatest in the subjects who reported higher anxiety at the start of the study. Patients reported that they felt the music helped them relax and focus less on their circumstances, though the researchers note that the full mechanisms underlying the effects of music on the human body remain to be determined.
This summary is by Vicky MacBean, King’s Knowledge Exchange Associate
By | 28 January 2016 |

How people make and transform memory through art

dimension' to the making and remaking of memories using art. In essence, people use ‘mnemonic labour’ (thinking, making) to transform ‘mnemonic capital’ (materials, expertise) into something of use and value.Moving Hearts involved 21 workshops facilitated over 21 days in 2018 in various community contexts in different parts of LondonThe heart-making process was facilitated by an artist who taught 300 participants how to fashion a human heart from clay. The people were of all ages and backgrounds

To indirectly support innovation, museums should concentrate on their core mission

visual arts sector. Two in five museums report cooperation with the design and artistic crafts sector and over one-third with the performing arts sector’.The paper made a distinction between strong, moderate and weak links between museums and firms in the creative industries‘Designers who access and get direct inspiration from a museum’s collection’ was an example of a strong link, as was a creative or entrepreneurial leader finding ‘new aesthetic, organisational, and technological solutions’ to whatever problem they might be working on. ‘Space rentals’ was an example of a weak link. Medium links had some qualities of a strong link, but were unlikely to lead directly to innovation that is relevant to a creative business.

Accessibility Statement (Static page)

your request and get back to you in 15 working days.Enforcement procedureThe Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’).If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).