How parents shape the reading habits of their children

This research was conducted by Sabine Wollscheid at the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, Norway


This paper explored the impact of parents’ reading patterns on their children’s reading habits. Drawing on a sample of 757 school-aged children living in two-parent households in Germany, the research demonstrated that parents’ …

By | 5 May 2015 |

The role of the family in shaping adolescent cultural engagement

This research was conducted by Mart Willekens and John Lievens at Ghent University, Belgium


This paper looked at how household structure and parental behaviour affected the cultural lives of children, specifically engagement in the visual arts, heritage or pop and rock music. While it might seem tempting to assume that …

By | 5 May 2015 |

Children can be key decision-makers in whether or not families visit museums

This research was conducted by Kai-Lin Wu, Kirsten Holmes and John Tribe at the University of Surrey, UK and Curtin University, Australia


This paper reports the findings from research into how and why families decide to visit museums. The research is based on interviews with museum-goers in Taiwan. The interviews …

By | 11 April 2014 |