How theatres try to maximise attendance and revenue

This research was conducted by Andrea Baldin and three others at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy


This paper looked at five years of box office data from Denmark to suggest a set of strategies for theatre managers to maximise attendance and revenue. These twin …

Differences in the highbrow and lowbrow tastes of library users

This research was conducted by Mikhail Sokolov and Nadezhda Sokolova at European University at Saint Petersburg, Russia


This paper examined data from public libraries in St Petersburg, Russia, to identify whether or not an ‘omnivorous’ reading habit is only associated with people in elite or privileged status groups. The researchers …

Ticket sales data reveals the exclusivity of activities like ballet and literary events

This research was conducted by Laurie Hanquinet, Dave O’Brien and Mark Taylor at the University of York, University of Edinburgh and University of Sheffield


This paper compared survey data with ticket sales data to better understand who attends literary events and dance performances in England. It found that people from …

Rainy days at the museum

This research was conducted by Harold E. Cuffe at Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand


This study analysed the effect of rain on museum attendance. Morning rain increases visitor numbers in the mornings to a significant degree, while afternoon rain has less of an impact on visitors. By using data collected …

By | 28 August 2018 |

How weather affects a movie’s box office performance

This research was conducted by Duncan Sheppard Gilchrist and Emily Glassberg Sands.


This study looked at the impact of weather on movie going and opening weekend sales. The study used national ticket sales data and nationally aggregated weather measures. Overall, it found that unseasonable weather (too hot or too …

By | 19 June 2017 |

How seasonality and segmentation affect the demand for live theatre

This research was conducted by Jonathan Corning and Armando Levy at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, USA.


This study took box office data from three venues used by a theatre company based in southern California, the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts (PCPA), to analyse the preferences …

By | 11 December 2014 |

The viability of a theatre depends on the character of its local population

This research was conducted by Ken Willis, Jen Snowball, Colin Wymer and Jose Grisolia at Newcastle University, UK, Rhodes University, South Africa and Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


This paper describes the findings of research that built a statistical model to identify what determined the likelihood that …

By | 9 May 2014 |

A familiar repertoire will attract concert audiences, at least in the short term

This research was conducted by Jeffrey Pompe, Lawrence Tamburri and Johnathan Munn at Francis Marion University, USA


This paper reports the results of an analysis into the box office data of 47 major symphony orchestras in the US between the years 2001 and 2007. They found that a more standard …

By | 26 April 2014 |

People like performances with large casts and small ticket prices

This research was conducted by Kristien Werck and Bruno Heyndels at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium


This paper tries to explain what motivated people to attend the theatre in the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. A sense of artistic growth and development in recent decades has been accompanied by steadily declining audience …

By | 14 April 2014 |

Digital broadcasts of live events do not reduce audience numbers

This research was conducted by Hasan Bakhshi and David Throsby at the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, UK and Macquarie University, Australia


This paper tackled the question of whether digital broadcasts of live events lead to an increase or reduction in the number of attendees at those …

By | 11 April 2014 |