Poetry as a positive community development tool

This research was conducted by Sandra D. Sjollema and Jill Hanley at McGill University, Canada.


This paper sought to investigate the impact of poetry for community development. The study found that poetry groups are used as a tool for community development in community settings, generating numerous benefits for both disadvantaged …

By | 5 May 2015 |

Using mega events to increase profile and reach audiences

This research was conducted by Duncan Low and Peter V. Hall at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.


This paper looks at the benefits of hosting a Cultural Olympiad for different kinds of arts organisations in the host city. It takes Vancouver 2010 as an example and argues that …

By | 11 December 2014 |

Corporate sponsors look for arts events and organisations that fulfil corporate objectives

This research was conducted by Normand Turgeon and Francois Colbert at HEC Montreal, Canada


This paper sets out a model to illuminate and explain the ways in which corporations decide to sponsor arts events or organisations. Even by 1992 the authors confidently stated that the 'days of sponsorship decisions being …

By | 16 April 2014 |

Music lessons enhance IQ while drama increases social skills

This research was conducted by Glenn Schellenberg at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, Canada


The researchers randomly assigned 144 six year old Canadian children to one of four groups: one received music tuition for the keyboard, another got voice coaching using the Kodaly method, and (by way of contrast) …

By | 16 April 2014 |

Arts education can help with students' maths ability

This research was conducted by Katharine Smithrim and Rena Upitis


This paper sets out the results of a major research project examining the impact of the Learning Through the Arts (LTTA) programme in Canada. The LTTA is a model of arts education where professional artists develop a multi-year curriculum of …

By | 10 April 2014 |

Theatre and performance can improve the social skills of 'at-risk' youth

This research was conducted by Robin Wright, Lindsay John, Ramona Alaggia, and Julia Sheel at McGill University and the University of Toronto, Canada [Now at the University of Windsor, Canada]


The paper reports the results of a substantial evaluation of a national arts education programme in Canada. The results suggest …

By | 10 April 2014 |

Arts engagement has a positive effect on quality of life

This research was conducted by Alex C. Michalos and P. Maurine Kahlke at the University of Northern British Columbia, Canada


This paper reports the findings of a large-scale survey that was designed specifically to measure the impact of arts engagement on the quality of life of the population of British …

By | 11 March 2014 |

Music lessons boost children's self-esteem

This research was conducted by Eugenia Costa-Giomi at the University of Texas at Austin, USA


The study looked at 117 nine year olds in Montreal, Canada who were not from privileged backgrounds. Half were given a piano at home and music lessons for three years; the other half constituted a …

By | 9 December 2013 |