Using a referendum to measure support for arts funding

This research was conducted by Katharina E Hofer at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland


This paper delved into the results of a referendum to increase financial support for a local theatre in Switzerland. The research discovered that the income of citizens, the local proportion of older residents, and proximity …

The factors that influence local government spending on culture

This research was conducted by Michael Getzner at Vienna University of Technology, Austria


Public authorities in Austria spend more on culture than the European average. At the time of this paper’s publication, Austrian municipalities spent ‘about €93 per capita a year for cultural affairs (approximately four per cent of the …

Establishing a European-style 'culture house' may boost elite culture at the expense of community arts

This research was conducted by Hanna Nyborg Storm at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark


This research looked at the impact of 52 ‘culture houses’ in Norwegian municipalities. These are high-profile anchor institutions which support (and act as the venue for) a mix of art forms. Specifically, the research aimed to find …