The impact of cultural activities on the wellbeing of immigrants

This research was conducted by Eleftherios Giovanis at Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Turkey


This paper explores the ‘participation of migrants in socio-cultural activities related to arts, theatre, concerts and sports events’ and the impact of that participation on subjective well-being (SWB). The research looked at the experience of first, second …

How people make and transform memory through art

This research was conducted by Anna Reading at King’s College London


This paper is about how memories are transformed through the production and interpretation of art objects, specifically examining a participatory ceramics project called ‘Moving Hearts’, which explored the topic of migration. By reviewing all the documentation and artwork produced …

Reach migrant audiences by increasing education

This research was conducted by Gerbert Kraaykamp, Natascha Notten and Hidde Bekhuis at Radboud University, The Netherlands


This research draws on large-scale survey data to explore possible explanations for the relative lack of engagement in (Western) highbrow culture of migrant communities in the Netherlands. Focusing on Turkish and Moroccan communities, …

By | 21 January 2016 |