How art changes your brain

This research was conducted by Anne Bolwerk and four others at University Hospital Erlangen and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany


Looking at art can invoke strong emotions, but can it actually change the connections you make in your brain? Researchers in Germany recruited 28 adults and randomly assigned them into either evaluating …

By | 7 December 2015 |

Using the arts to help social cohesion

This research was conducted by Dahyun Lee at Ohio State University, USA


This paper describes what happened in Columbus Ohio during the Guernica Peace Mural Programme in July 2010. The GPMP brought together 18 US graduate students and approximately 20 Somali children over five days to create a piece of …

By | 26 April 2014 |

Art therapy improves stroke victims' quality of life

This research was conducted by Kerry Beesley, Jennifer Helen White, Megan K. Alston, Anne L. Sweetapple and Michael Pollack at the Hunter New England Local Health Network and Area Health Service, Australia


This paper presents the results of a series of interviews conducted with people in New South Wales, Australia …

By | 11 March 2014 |

Intensive visual arts education improves children's creativity and self-efficacy

This research was conducted by James S. Catterall and Kylie A. Peppler at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA


The study looked at 179 students aged nine and 10 in Los Angeles and St Louis, USA who received ‘sustained, arts-rich instructional experiences’ led by two visual arts institutions in …

By | 9 December 2013 |