The factors that influence local government spending on culture

This research was conducted by Michael Getzner at Vienna University of Technology, Austria


Public authorities in Austria spend more on culture than the European average. At the time of this paper’s publication, Austrian municipalities spent ‘about €93 per capita a year for cultural affairs (approximately four per cent of the …

Fostering creativity by building the ‘good city’

This research was conducted by Justin O’Connor and Kate Shaw at Monash University and University of Melbourne, Australia


Many accounts of the ‘creative city’ stress the economic benefits of the arts. This paper argues that the arts also play an integral role in fostering inclusive urban communities. Furthermore, that the …

By | 24 March 2015 |

Understanding ‘place’ in arts-driven urban development

This research was conducted by Carl Grodach and three other people at Queensland University of Technology, Australia; University of Southern California and University of Texas at Arlington, USA


Do location factors such as affordable rent, neighbourhood aesthetics, and demographic diversity always predict the formation of artistic clusters in the United …

By | 24 March 2015 |