Music lessons associated with improved test scores for Science, Maths and English

This research was conducted by Martin Guhn, Scott D. Emerson, and Peter Gouzouasis at The University of British Columbia, Canada


This study is based on data from more than 110,000 public school students in Canada. It examined the relationships between music education, which included ‘any participation, type of participation, …

Playing a musical instrument increases educational attainment

This research was conducted by Philip Yang at Eberhard Karls University, Germany


This research used a survey of German teenagers to investigate the relationship between educational attainment and playing a musical instrument, either in early childhood or during one’s teenage years. The survey asked a sample of 17 year-olds a …

By | 2 March 2016 |

Word-of-mouth shapes teenage music consumption

This research was conducted by Noémi Berlin, Anna Bernard and Guillaume Fürst at the University of Edinburgh, UK; the University of Paris I (Panthéon Sorbonne), France and the University of Geneva, Switzerland


This paper looked at the role of price and marketing on the popularity of songs in the commercial …

By | 4 January 2016 |

The role of the family in shaping adolescent cultural engagement

This research was conducted by Mart Willekens and John Lievens at Ghent University, Belgium


This paper looked at how household structure and parental behaviour affected the cultural lives of children, specifically engagement in the visual arts, heritage or pop and rock music. While it might seem tempting to assume that …

By | 5 May 2015 |