Pursuing social cohesion via the arts in rural communities

This research was conducted by Hanne Otte at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.


This paper examined arts engagement in the Netherlands, particularly in the rural province of Drenthe. Through a series of interviews and surveys it arrived at two main findings. The first finding was a correlation between experiencing …

Six motivations for attending live music

This research was conducted by Martijn Mulder and Erik Hitters at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands


This paper was able to identify six distinct motivations for attending live music – either at festivals or concerts. The first and strongest motivational component was 'togetherness' (including socialising, dancing, singing along, etc.). 'Escapism' was …

Reach migrant audiences by increasing education

This research was conducted by Gerbert Kraaykamp, Natascha Notten and Hidde Bekhuis at Radboud University, The Netherlands


This research draws on large-scale survey data to explore possible explanations for the relative lack of engagement in (Western) highbrow culture of migrant communities in the Netherlands. Focusing on Turkish and Moroccan communities, …

By | 21 January 2016 |

Art can help involve citizens in local planning processes

This research was conducted by Marian Stuiver and three others at Wageningen University and Research Centre, Utrecht University, and the University of Leiden, The Netherlands.


This study looked at the potential of art as a way of involving citizens in the processes of regional transitions. In this article, researches asked …

By | 5 May 2015 |

Reading fiction is related to developing empathic skills

This research was conducted by P. Matthijs Bal and Martijn Veltkamp at VU University Amsterdam and FrieslandCampina, Deventer, The Netherlands


This study reports two experiments designed to measure changes in readers’ empathic skills over one week by getting participants to read either fiction or non-fiction writing. In the fiction groups, …

By | 11 December 2014 |