Using the arts to address social harm

This research was conducted by Tonimarie Benaton and five others at the University of Derby and Derby Theatre


This paper is an exploration of how the arts can address the issue of ‘social harm’ for young people with experience of care. The research is based on a programme run by …

The vital importance universal access to in-school arts activities

This research was conducted by Hei Wan Mak and Daisy Fancourt at University College London


This paper digs into survey data to reveal that while children’s out-of-school arts engagement is shaped by parental habits and social class, the same cannot be said for cultural activities that take place in school. …

How the creative and cultural sector can adopt anti-oppressive practice

This research was conducted by Miranda Campbell at Ryerson University, Canada


This paper examined a youth arts project in Canada and identified how the wider cultural sector might adopt ‘anti-oppressive practices’. These can help generate ‘more sustainable and more equitable livelihoods’. The author sketches out ‘what the working practices of …

Perception of value, not simply price, attracts young people to arts events

This research was conducted by Bonita M Kolb at the University of Westminster, UK.


This paper used a survey to explore what factors shape the arts-attending behavior of university students. The results showed that the cost of attendance was a factor in people's considerations, although what mattered most was whether …

By | 5 May 2015 |