The factors that influence local government spending on culture

, in addition to the political affiliation of local leadership. There was a large amount of variation by the size and density of municipality: ‘some larger cities and regional centres spend more than €300 per capita a year, while smaller municipalities spend as low as €1 per resident a year’.The larger municipalities would spend heavily to provide cultural goods and services ‘not only to their own constituents, but to a larger audience in the surrounding region'The study revealed a large

Crowdfunding a regular income for cultural projects

viable alternative to putting out sponsored or advertiser-funded contentAlthough the vast majority of campaigns during the first 18 months of Patreon received zero pledges, it was a mechanism for some creators to establish a sustainable income stream. The study found that of those who did attract pledges ‘the top 1 per cent of creators (about 250) crowdfund a monthly income of at least $2,500. The top 5 per cent, or about 1,200 creators, receive more than $750 monthly. Thus, a substantial number

What shapes demand for opera?

proportion to the level of price rises (a 1 per cent increase in ticket price results in 1.16 per cent fall in demand).
Their dataset was large enough to allow them to measure the effect of changes to a variety of different variables
They looked at individual performances of particular shows (rather than relying on averages for a run or a season) and were able to take account of discounted or free tickets. They recognise that it is difficult to measure the true demand for a show that is sold out
By | 11 April 2014 |

The Social Return on Investment from a public art project

that every $1 invested in the Breathing Lights project, $1.84 were stimulated’. There were other positive impacts too: increased community fellowship and increased awareness of local issues. ‘Over half of survey respondents (56 per cent) reported an increase in interest for supporting public art, most (81 per cent) believed the project had a positive impact on the region’.The project temporarily transformed hundreds of abandoned buildings into ‘living and breathing entities’This effect was

Measuring the social return on investment of an art gallery

This research was conducted by Andrew Jackson and Richard McManus at Canterbury Christ Church UniversitySummaryThe paper describes a project to measure the social impact of Turner Contemporary art gallery in Margate, UK during the 2015/16 financial year. The total investment by Turner Contemporary in the Lifelong Learning programme for that period was £111,825. The study found that ‘in one year, for every £1 invested by Turner Contemporary, £4.09 of net social value is created for participants