Music lessons boost children's self-esteem

This research was conducted by Eugenia Costa-Giomi at the University of Texas at Austin, USA


The study looked at 117 nine year olds in Montreal, Canada who were not from privileged backgrounds. Half were given a piano at home and music lessons for three years; the other half constituted a …

By | 9 December 2013 |

Intensive visual arts education improves children's creativity and self-efficacy

This research was conducted by James S. Catterall and Kylie A. Peppler at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA


The study looked at 179 students aged nine and 10 in Los Angeles and St Louis, USA who received ‘sustained, arts-rich instructional experiences’ led by two visual arts institutions in …

By | 9 December 2013 |

Drama helps students work better in groups and solve problems

This research was conducted by James S. Catterall at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA


This paper describes an experiment conducted with children using drama to enhance the acquisition of a range of social skills. The results showed that students who participated in the programme had significantly increased perceptions …

By | 9 December 2013 |